Welcome to Trusted Renewable Certificate Center ( T-RECs)
What are RECs?
RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) are used to track and validate the production of 1 MWh (megawatt hour) of renewable energy by any renewable source (Solar, Hydro, Wind).
Traditionally, solar panels are installed on the customer’s roof minimising the dependency on the grid for electricity ultimately reducing CO2 emissions. However, limited roof space prevents production of 100% onsite consumption.
Good news: there is an existing framework practiced globally enabling you as the consumer to "use" renewable energy without physically consuming it. With every 1MWh of "dirty" energy you consume, you can purchase 1MWh of renewable energy (represented by a REC) produced in another location. Using this framework you can be 100% carbon neutral in your consumption.
Purchasing RECs is the most effective path to take in order to achieve the goal of being 100% renewable or carbon-neutral. Many big corporations are adopting this approach to meet their sustainability targets. A total of 191 companies (RE100) have officially made their commitment to bring the company towards being 100% renewable.
What are Trusted RECs (T-RECs) ?
T-RECs (Trusted RECs) is coined by TRECs AI- the approved independent verifier & reporting entity of global renewable registry APX TIGRs, to provide a methodology to transact RECs in a trusted way. RECs is not a physical commodity, which makes it extremely hard to monitor, track, and own. We recognize this as a gap in the current RECs market and we believe we have found a way to address that by leveraging on our technology.
We see the importance of delivering to our clients the assurance that all the RECs that are transacted on our platform is verified, audited and tracked to ensure ownership and authenticity. This is enabled through our REHash platform which incorporates the blockchain technology to ensure the authenticity of the RECs. This is augmented with our A.I. technology to further enhance the ability to eliminate double counting and false claims to ensure strong and unchallenged ownership of the RECs.

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TREC.vn is an cooperative platform with the approved independent verifier - TRECs in Singapore, also known as qualified reporting entity (QRE) by APX. With more than 15 years in environmental registries, the TIGRs Registry is APX’s solution to global demand for renewable energy in the Asia, Africa and the Americas contingent. Project owners can work with T-RECs.ai to report the generation data directly to the TIGR Registry.
The TIGR Registry supports REC issuance and tracking on documentable ownership of environmental attributes, and by issuing RECs in the TIGR Registry, project owners can demonstrate compliance with the most rigorous verification standards. This potentially opens up your opportunities to conduct business with the world’s leading brands, and to substantiate compliance with standards set by the RE100 and others.
TREC.vn offers non-obligated consultancy session for any interested renewable energy project developers to register their RECs, and business owners who wish to join in the ranks of RE100 to go 100% renewable. Our consultants are veterans in the renewable energy arena, and we offer comprehensive and low-cost verification process of your generation data
Contact us to arrange for a discussion.